Monday, May 2, 2016

Become A Mom If....

This Sunday is Mother's Day. Since becoming a mom, 10.5 years ago, it has become one of my absolute favorite holidays. Somewhere along the way, I did something right and let it be known that Mother's Day is "my" day, and therefore, I should get to spend the day as I please. And, for me, that generally means spending at least 3 hours doing something I myself...pretending for a brief moment that I do not have the ten million responsibilities that go along with the job title of "Mother."

Don't get me wrong, being a mom is amazing. It is everything that people say it is when they first become a mom and explain that they didn't know their heart could hold that much love. They didn't know they were capable of loving another human that way. Unconditionally. So much that it hurts. So much that it makes you cry. Yes, it is all of those things.

But, it is also extremely challenging. And sometimes there are tears, not because you love your little humans so much that it hurts, but because they are driving you out of your flipping mind and you cannot understand how or why they are being so miserable. Yes, that is also part of being a mom.

Regardless of your opinion of what it means to be a mom, there are some definitive truths about the job. Here is a glimpse into why we celebrate moms everywhere this week.

Become A Mom If....

  • You love spending hours in the kitchen each week preparing meals for your children, only to spend hours each week arguing with them about eating said meals, and watching them fake gag as they swallow it down, pretending they are going to vomit it all over your kitchen table.
  • You LOVE the sound of your name, "Mom", and have no problem hearing it screamed from all corners of the house approximately 3 million times each day.
  • You love doing laundry. Actually, you love doing it so much that you don't even mind washing clean clothes that your kids have put in the laundry basket because that's much easier than putting them in their dresser. Yes, laundry is your friend. It is always there for you. It will never let you down.
  • You prefer to survive on 4-6 hours of sleep a night. Whether it's because your beloved human hasn't figured out how to sleep through the night, or because the laundry needed attention, or your husband needed attention, or your treadmill needed attention, or the kitchen needed attention...something will need your attention more than your sweet, soft pillow.
  • You love the idea of trading in time with your girlfriends (things like manicures, pedicures, shopping trips to Marshall's...) for time in a lawn chair on the sidelines of a soccer field, baseball field, dance studio, hockey pick! 
  • You are bored with your adult-centered group text threads and would prefer that they were replaced with texts that fit into one of the following categories: 1.) Bodily fluids 2.) Sleep 3.) Little humans and how cute they look 4.) Drinking wine or working out? That is always the question.
  • You love dedicating nearly every ounce of your energy to someone else, realizing that they will never fully appreciate how much you truly love them.

And that is why we celebrate Moms this week! It is such a thankless, yet AH-MAZING role. I'm honored to be a mom to two healthy, crazy, loud, energetic, awesome boys. 

And I am blessed with the best mom out there. (Who made me this awesome quilt to help motivate me as I train to make it to the Boston marathon!)

Thank you to all of the Moms out there! I hope you get to celebrate your special day doing something that you love, and taking a break from all of the work that goes along with your number one job.

Sparkle.Pounce.Moms Rock.


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